Our kids have been going to the same YMCA camp every summer for a week since they were both in 1st grade and its something they really seem to enjoy every year. Unfortunately last year due to COVID the camp was closed. This spring when sign ups came out they were excited to register but at the time we did not know for sure if we were going to do the Great Loop or not. Usually we drop the kids off at camp and have a bit of a parents vacation. Spend a week on the boat, sleep in, eat out and generally enjoy our time together and do all the stuff we enjoy doing that the kids want no part of. Unfortunately this year because we only had about 3 weeks before we planned to leave for the Great Loop it meant we got to do a solid week of boat projects!

After our shake down cruise we decided the boat came with just about everything we would need. No additional fenders, lines or that kind of stuff would be needed. We decided the freezer was a bit small and it would nice to be able to buy some frozen stuff to get meat in bulk when near a store vs having to walk to and from stores with this heavy stuff much more often. So we purchased a small deep freezer. While at the island for the week we found there were no public laundry facilities and when we did find something it meant a water taxi ride in and then a mile and a half hike to use someones washer drier. We quickly decided that it would be worth the convince to have our own on board even if it would be much smaller then what we were used to at home. The other thing I wanted was an AIS system. We have had occasions where commercial traffic has reached out to us but did not know our boat name and would call out for the sail boat about a mile off of Marble Head or something to check our intended course. I figured if we were going to spend this much time on the water I wanted them to know who I was and how to get a hold of me vs wondering which boat they were looking for. Not to mention its also nice to see their name on the chart plotter as well should I want to call them when we get to the river system. The chart plotter the boat came with was nice but was older and still used cartridges for the maps which seemed would require me finding a lot of older cartridges on eBay or the like to cover that area we would be causing in. I decided to splurge and get a new Garmin Plotter that included maps of all the areas we would be traveling in along with their AIS system. The last big thing was to figure out why the propane system was not working.
Most were not too involved. Some were as easy as replacing a kitchen faucet (maybe a couple hours). The biggest pain in the rear turned out to be installing the washer dryer unit. The boat originally had come with a washer dryer that the previous owners decided to pull out and replace with a beer fridge and inverter to run it. Note our boat does not have an inverter system that allows you to use the house bank while underway for outlets and what not, instead we have to run the generator. I pulled out the beer fridge out and found a better spot to install the inverter and plugged the new freezer into the inverter. I then started looking at how to plumb the washer in again. Seems when they removed it they also filled in the drain hole. I found the old spot and came pretty close to drilling it out exactly where it had been. Borrowed a friends dingy in the marina and was able to caulk and install the new stainless barb fitting I had purchased. Next up was the dryer vent. This was a bit easier as it was up closer to the walk around deck. Next problem became finding a vent hose long enough as the 8ft one I bought at Lowes turned out to be too short. I ended up finding some HVAC tape and taped it together with another one I had left over from a previous install as the house. Luckily some of the fresh water stuff was still in place so it meant I only had to run new hoses for the water hook ups. Next came the problem of moving this 160lb beast. I rounded up one of Annabelles friends from fair to help with this. I will say its nice to have a cute teenage daughter living at home as that means there are almost always some strong teenage boys hanging around :). We had measured everything and got luckily it all fit the first time with about two inches to spare. After about 3 full days of working on this project we finally had the dumb thing hooked up. Now I need to figure out a way to mount it to the floor so it does not move around while we are underway.
The chart plotter & AIS turned out to be pretty easy to install. Though I still don't have the right sea talk adapters to get my auto pilot or depth finder to talk to the chart plotter but will leave that for another day as I never really trusted the auto pilot when engaged with the chart plotter for course directions and we have a separate depth display on that boat. Turns out the trickiest part of this was finding the screen that allowed me to use the cameras installed on the boat. FYI it only took about 3 hours and a lot of frustration chasing wires and power only to find out I was looking at the wrong menu. The boat came with 3 working cameras all hooked up and working with the Raymarine stuff. I knew when I switched to Garmin I would be limited to one camera unless I bought a $400 do dad to convert the analog cameras to an IP signal. I figured as long as I had the rear camera I could see traffic behind me and if I really missed the side view cameras I would buy the do dad or upgrade the cameras to the wireless Garmin ones when we came home for the holidays.

Well we got most of the various projects done, we talked to the kids teachers, got their school books ordered, along with a bunch of other stuff. It turned out to be a very productive week of prep work and was now time to pick the kids up from camp. We decided to pick them up give them the night at home then head to Cedar Point in the morning for one more weekend trip in the sail boat before we had to winterize that and haul it out the next week. T-2 weeks till we leave.