Thursday, June 30, 2022

Writing a Blog is tough!


It's a serious time commitment to write these.  As much as I enjoy doing them it seems I'm not as committed as I should be and it seemed I was always behind as I only sat down to write these on bad weather days when there was not much else to do.  Instead Amy & I choose the easy option and simply posted a proof of life picture everyday to our Facebook page checking in where ever we were at.  

With that said our trip is coming to an end.  Annabelle landed back in the USA two days ago and we are on a time line to get home so that Amy and Annabelle can go on their next trip to London on July 9th.  Max has a 4H class he must attend to be able to participate in fair this year on the 12th of July.  Overall I think the crew is just ready for the trip to be done.  We have seen a lot of cute towns along the way, we have seen and done a lot of things on this adventure but we also miss home and our friends there.. We also really miss the convinces of easy internet and the simple ability to have a package shipped to your front door vs having to plan ahead what marina to send it to then figure out how to get there about the same time as the delivery.

With all of that said we have just arrived in NY.  I have been looking back at our last experience when we bought our first boat and thought we were on a heck of an adventure going from Sea Bright New Jersey to Gibraltar, MI.  Its interesting to see how long it took and how some of my thoughts have evolved so I'm going to try and blog this last section of the trip with the thought of comparing it a bit to the first time we did it 14 years ago with Annabelle and a clear timeline that we had to be home to pick up Max & get back to work :).