We got word Wed night that our issues had been fixed so we rented a car for a one way trip. We left Thursday morning and arrived late Thursday night. We were tired and it started to rain shortly after we arrived. We quickly found several leaks and were so tired that we just lived with them for the night. The next day it was time for a test run. We took the boat out of the dock, scared the heck out of several of the boat owners across from us as I almost ran into a few of them on the way out of the slip but thanks to heroics on the part of the marina staff no damage was done and we made it out ok. I think the marina staff was a bit worried about us as the mechanics followed us for about 30 min in their little boat to ensure we were ok?
For the next two hours we ran up and down the channel wide open and everything seemed to be running fine, with that we decided we were ready to leave. After the botched take off from dock I knew there was no way I was going to be able to back this boat back into the slip again so we pulled up to the gas dock and asked for some help (secretly I think they were happy I did, as I may have mentioned before this was sort of a high end marina and most of the boats around me probably started around 250k). It was time to pick up a few last minutes supplies, drop the rental car and go… Well apparently the rental car company decided to close early that day and we were stuck until the next day with the car. No problem with another trip to West Marine I got a few more fuel filters, traded my smaller GPS for one with a larger screen, and got some new fender holders. The next day we got up went to breakfast messed around a bit and went to return the rental car once again only to find out they apparently closed at noon and it was 12:15… Ugh.. After a number of phone calls we finally found one office that was open on Sunday so were stuck in Sea Bright for one more day.
Finally Sunday comes, as you may have guessed we were the first ones in the office to get our

car returned. Luckily the office was nice enough to drop us off at the marina. It was about 10:30am and we were finally ready to leave.
The second time out of the dock was no problem, but we did have one of the marina staff on standby should we need some help. We radioed to the first bridge, waited 15min and had no problem getting though, we could see the next bridge and called ahead again np, so we circled around for a bit but I guess we were too far out as they decided not to open for us, after calling back again they said they would open in another 30min… This time we made sure to get extra close and made several follow up calls on the radio to ensure they remembered we were there and waiting for them. No problem this time they opened and we were headed for the Hudson bay. It was a beautiful day, the bay was clam. We went past the statue of Liberty & Elis Island, it was really neat to see them up close. I can’t stress how cool it was to go by the statue in our own boat to see it up close.

This was my first time seeing it this close as I had only gone by it once before on a harbor cruise. We decided that we were making good time and the tide was with us so we kept going until we got to Terry Town Marina. We had put in about 50 miles that day, put up with six foot waves for the last two hours of our trip and were pretty happy with what was really our first day out on the boat. The marina was nice enough to give us an end dock and we had little trouble ting up for the night, we visited the restraint at the marina and the lobster stuffed with crab meat was the best I have ever had! The only downside of our experience at Terry Town was the ¾ mile walk to the rest room from where our boat was tied up, this wore pretty thin with the girls especially since it was a pretty windy night and the fact that they turned off our power at 8:30am before we had breakfast made. Other then that our night there was pretty much what one would expect.