I spent the morning watching them take down the next two sail boats masts. Both these boats were owned by Canadians that had spent the winter down in the Bahamas and were heading back home for the summer both had lots of story’s to tell but were not that fluent with English. Both couples owned very elegant, large and fairly new looking boats. The yard was pretty quick and got both boats masts down in about 3hrs. We were last as we needed to have some supports made to hold the mast. The yard ended up making one X for the front and a arch to go over the back of the boat made from 2x6’s that would hold the mast up above our bimini allowing not to have to sacrifice any room in our cocpit area but still forcing us to perform some interesting boat yoga to get around to the front of the boat. The yard finished with us about 3pm and Amy and Belle were still out adventuring. Amy decided to take Belle out to find a park and explore the town a bit while I stayed back and helped take the mast down. They got back about 4 and we decided to spend another night. We found some other sailors that were nice enough to drive Amy over to the local Wal-Mart for some food & bug spray and we decided to wander back into town to catch a movie and grab some dinner that night.

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